Transformation of the Mind
What is the biggest barrier to fulfilling our potential. What is the biggest barrier to living a godly life? Many of us would say circumstances. If only this was different, if only that was different.
I want to suggest the biggest barrier is our mind. We limit ourselves and as a result we limit God using us because of our thinking and I’m going to suggest why and how that happens and what we might do about it.
Romans 12:2 Paul says be transformed by renewing of your minds.
Be transformed. Be transformed – what would that look like for you?
For the Christian we know, a transformation has already happened – born again, transferred from darkness to light, objects of wrath now objects of mercy, redeemed, justified, new creation, new heart. So there was a once and for all time transformation that happened when we came to Christ. We didn’t just get forgiven, we got transformed.
But there is also an ongoing transformation that needs to happen and as Paul says an ongoing transformation that happens in the mind.
Now Romans 12:2
It’s a verse we may be familiar with. What actually does this really mean? How do I do it? What is it about my mind that needs to be renewed? Does it just mean pray more read bible more or is there something more to it. And why? why is this so important?
So as I say, we know that when we become a Christian we are given a new heart, a new spirit – new creation. However there is a problem. We don’t automatically do and say all the right things and one of the reasons is in our thinking. You see we don’t get an instant new mind when we come to Christ.
In the film with Jim Carey Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind people could go through a medical procedure that would get rid of all your bad memories and all your regrets. That’s not what happens when you become a Christian – you still have those bad memories, bad ways of thinking, regrets, disappointments.
You still have them, but you don’t have to keep them.
Transformation of the mind is an ongoing process that started at conversion. True freedom comes and is experienced when there is transformation in our minds, so too true holiness. Outward holy living coming from a renewed mind rather than following rules.
In one way we could look at it like this – we have a new spirit, we want to be led by the spirit. But the spirits leading has to make a journey through our minds before we take action.
So let’s use an analogy, a picture to help us to understand. Every picture is imperfect.
I want you to imagine your mind is like a city
A city with office blocks and tower blocks and skyscrapers. It’s like some of these great skyscrapers have been built up over the years called rejection, poor self image, guilt, grief, depression, self pity, selfishness, envy, pride, control. This was the skyline of your mind and every thought, every action was affected by these things. You lived on selfish street. Then you came to Christ, but as we’ve already said your mind was not automatically transformed.
So what has to happen? those old buildings need to be demolished – a city transformation needs to take place in your mind – a new skyline needs to appear. These are strongholds. We need to replace those ungodly strongholds replaced with godly ones. Growing in maturity involves those buildings coming down.
This is why it is important:
You see this is what happens a thought enters our mind – due to something we read or see or hear or through god speaking to us. It then begins a journey until it either comes to a dead end (we forget it) or a destination – something we say or do. The what we say or do depends on the journey – it may be godly or ungodly.
On the way through the city of our mind that thought goes along well known paths or streets.
Let’s say we hear that someone is unwell – our thoughts may go on a journey – compassion – I feel sorry for them – that thought comes to an intersection and there’s a road there called “past hurt” – maybe that person harmed you in the past – maybe like Alice recently – we get some satisfaction– maybe a little alleyway off to the side that says I ought to forgive them but you are so used to going down the main road of past hurt that you miss the turning – another intersection where you could get back on the right track this intersection is called “forgiveness” but you take the wrong turn and it’s called “self justification” we end up at a dead end but maybe feeling slightly guilty and having actually reinforced that stronghold. We’ve made those bad roads even wider, even easier to go down next time.
Let me give another example. We hear that a friend of ours has been invited to a wedding but we have not. That thought then starts to go down “rejection road” as you remember other times when you have felt left out. A time your boyfriend left you to go out with your best friend. It’s like all the buildings on this street are calling out reminding you of those times. We allow the thought to go down rejection road. But that road is not going to take us anywhere good! It takes us to a destination where we try to get our own back “I’m not going to send them a Christmas card then” or we sulk, or we say something malicious to someone else about them. The bad thinking has led to a bad action.
In Romans 2.1 this is described as futile thinking. Outside of Christ our thinking is doomed to be futile.
Eph 4:13 = Do not live like the gentiles (in other words those outside of Christ) in the futility of their thinking.
So we need to see these strongholds in the city of our mind demolished. City transformation needs to be effected.
We need to be made new in the attitude of our minds Eph 4.23
So we need these strongholds to be demolished and as well to see new godly strongholds replace them. It’s not just about demolishing the strongholds and leaving a city scape of desolation. Rather removing these strongholds makes room for godly thinking.
Take captive every thought – a little out of context.
So when we hear we are not invited to the wedding, instead of going down rejection road, we think – it was probably hard to make the decision of who to invite – maybe there were other factors that I wasn’t aware of. We want to bless – I hope they have a great day anyway. Change those patterns of thinking. As soon as you find yourself going down rejection road stop and turn round. That’s what repentance is. RE-pent means to think again and think differently. That in place of all that bad stuff we have the fruits of the spirit growing within us. Instead of lashing out in anger or brooding in silence, we have peace and self control.
Or God speaks to us and we don’t act on what he says because it hits a road block in our minds.
Examples of strongholds
So to give some examples of these strongholds – past hurts, fear of what people will think of us, self image, fear of the unknown, need to be in control, past disappointment, emotional hurt, fear of letting god down, rejection, self pity…
So to be transformed by the renewing of your mind is not just about meditating on bible verses. We need to see those strongholds of disappointment and hurt and rejection being demolished and we need the holy spirit building new good, positive strongholds.
So when circumstances happen, you see something, you hear something your thoughts don’t go down rejection road, instead they go down rejoicing avenue. That rejection road becomes this disused thoroughfare that no longer exists.
We need new skyscrapers to be build up in our minds which are full of positive godly stuff.
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
God does not bypass our minds. He does not wipe them clean like a new computer installation. Rather works with us to bring renewal.
Judy and I were praying with someone recently about some things from the past. I thought this person was great, godly, full of faith – and they are! But they shared with us some things they wanted us to pray for that were stopping them from reaching their potential. I realised wow this person has so much more potential!
Release your potential in Christ, don’t be held back, be transformed.
The key is not filling your mind with lots of knowledge about Christianity, doing amazing bible studies or trying hard to be good. It’s about encountering the Lord.
In conclusion
- Renewed minds lead to transformation. You want transformation – here is a key.
- It’s not instant. That process has been going on – but we can accelerate it. Sometimes there have been setbacks. Don’t allow those setbacks to be your reality.
- Get prayer and healing. Get with god.
- Choose not to allow those thoughts to go down rejection road or anger avenue, or the highway of hurts or stress street. Choose to make those thoughts to go in the good neighbourhoods. Those wrong roads are the easy option – they are familiar.
- Allow the Holy spirit more room in your life and cultivate the fruit of the spirit