Your Identity and Your Authority

nick   November 18, 2016   Comments Off on Your Identity and Your Authority

Authority. Identity

Picking up on Bill Johnson. Authority.

Authority in Creation

In creation God gave Adam and Eve authority – the keys. Be fruitful, rule everything. Name the animals. You choose. He didn’t say – keep checking back with me – you need my rubber stamp. (Note – God was speaking to Adam at the time but it was a long term authority upon mankind)

So maybe they were sitting there and Eve said you see that animal over there that makes that mooing sound – I think we ought to call it a cow. They didn’t have to check back with God, is it ok if we call it a cow? Are we being presumptuous? Are we failing to be humble – he had given them authority. Also not passive managers.

Adam and Eve relinquished authority by disobeying God, effectively they handed it to Satan. They disobeyed God. They obeyed Satan.

1*Romans 6:16 – Slave to the one you obey. Slave to sin. How much authority does a slave have? Slave has no authority.

Jesus defeated the enemy at the cross, released us from the authority of Satan – took back the keys  and then gives that authority back to us. That was his original intention

We sing – no longer a slave to fear. Also no longer slave to sin.

Not just does he give us back authority over own lives but also to further his kingdom.

2* “All authority is given to me .. go therefore” His delegated authority. I am giving you authority to do it. What is the commission Matthew – Mark 16

3* In the Mark version After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God


He ascended to heaven, sat at the right hand of the Father – a place of authority.

4* Eph6.20 he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet…


It is not enough in our worship or in our lives to just focus on his death – Died, rose, ascended. It’s all part of the package.

Authority and Identity

We are in a different place to the people in the OT. Jesus had not yet died.  They were still under the authority of sin. As NT Christians we are not. Jesus has broken it. OT believers  were sinners who God was gracious to by allowing animal sacrifices as a means of them interacting with God.

Now, Jesus death has done far more than the animal sacrifices. Many Christians live like old testament people but with Jesus death having replaced the animals’ deaths. That is not enough. Jesus not only achieved our forgiveness but broke the authority of sin. Sin does not reign over us. So we are not just sinners saved by grace. We are people who were sinners, who are now free from the power and authority of sin. That doesn’t mean we live perfect lives. It doesn’t mean we never sin. It means our identity has changed from those who were slaves to sin and couldn’t help it, and were under the authority of sin to those who are free from the power and authority of sin.

5*Romans 6 – you were slaves to sin. If you are a christian are you a slave to sin?

Now slaves to righteousness.

So what has authority over your life according to this verse. Sin or righteousness.

So if you say you are a sinner saved by grace, what are you saying has authority?

You can reign in life – reigning speaks of authority

6*Rom 5:17 how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!

The New Creation

Lets go on to develop this idea of God’s plan in creation and where we fit in his plan of redemption–

7*2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! – Some versions – say he is – that’s not in the Greek.

So, not just you are a new person but linked to God’s bigger long term plan

New, brand new. Not reconditioned. It’s like you trade your iphone 4 in for an iphone 6. You’re not just getting  your iphone 4 repaired. You’re getting a brand new fresh out of the box model.

Lets look at this verse in context of what we have been saying

Gods original plan in creation – man and woman to rule, to have authority

Gods plan thwarted in the fall

God’s plan restored through Christ’s death

Describing a christian as  a New creation Paul is saying that what has happened to us is a step towards the fulfilment of God’s plan for creation. That all the effects of the fall that we live with in this world should be overcome. Citizen of heaven. Also a citizen of the age to come.

Ephesians -Now seated in heavenly places in Christ. Where is Christ? In the place of authority. Our physical reality is on earth. Our spiritual reality is seated with him in the place of authority.


So now in this physical reality on earth – we have authority. This is not about authority over people.  Authority over the enemy and his works, over sickness, depression, over ungodliness.

In our desire to be humble, to avoid being presumptuous we sometimes don’t use the authority that he has given us. Jesus didn’t pray for the sick. He commanded sickness because he had authority. The flavour of his instruction to his disciples was more about healing the sick than praying for them.

Conclusion:  The world misuses authority – see it in the newspapers – politicians, bosses even parents. It makes us scared and mistrustful of the concept. We need to be those who can handle God’s authority well.

God’s plan for us is that as part of his new creation we should use the authority he has given us.

Lot of opportunities over the next 7 weeks to respond to God and be prayed for.