Change 2

nick   April 15, 2016   Comments Off on Change 2

Change 2

So last week we started looking at the subject of change. As the old joke goes how many xians does it take to change a light bulb? Change???

~ If you want to make enemies, try to change something. ~ Woodrow Wilson

One of the most important bits of last week was to consider

2 Cor 3 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Contemplate is a bit weak. It has the idea of thinking about whereas we saw that the Greek is more like gazing with wide eyed wonder at the Lords glory- as we do this we are changed. Change comes from encountering his glory. Where do we gaze on, where do we encounter  his glory? In his presence.

Bathers at Asnieres this picture is pretty ordinary when you see it in a book or on a screen but when you see the real thing it is breathtaking. It has the wow factor. It’s when we meet with God rather than just read about him that change happens.

Moses. Transformed by an encounter – his face shone.

We are changed not by following rules. Following rules changes behaviour. But behaviour is outward. Real change is on the inside. We’re not even changed by thinking about his glory We are changed by beholding his glory. Because then we see things differently. Then we are changed even if our circumstances aren’t. The change makes us more like Jesus.

Does God most want to change our circumstances or us? Probably US – because it’s us he is interested most in. Sue’s testimony. She is able to rejoice in her circumstances.


Now another passage that talks of transformation or change

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind – Romans 12.2

He says be transformed (changed) by the renewing of your mind.

He precedes this by saying don’t be conformed to this world.

Conformed, more literally fashioned – do not be in the shape the world would like you to be, don’t be shaped by the world. The word in Gk is in today’s language – don’t be same-systemed by the world.

World, literally age (aeon). Compare age to come

Don’t act and think as though you belong to this age, be changed by thinking as though you belong (as you do) to the age to come. Have a heavenly mindset.

Be changed by thinking with a heavenly mindset.

You’ve got a certain pattern of ingrained thinking because of the age you live in – think differently. Are you worried – that’s the pattern of this world.

Think heavenly. Don’t think like this world/this age. Think like heaven/ think like the age to come.

Am I thinking like this world?

Get your mind thinking like you’re in heaven. Have a heavenly mindset.

We are strangers in this world 1 Peter 2:11 – so don’t think like this world

The pattern of this world says the rich and powerful are to be admired. The pattern of heaven says the meek shall inherit the earth

The pattern of this world says stand up for your rights The pattern of the world to come says blessed are the peacemakers

Now it’s hard. Our whole history till we’re born again is about us being conformed in one way or another to the world. And then we have the ongoing bombardment, through tv, facebook, friends, work.

We need to make the hard choice not to think like that. But it’s not don’t think like that and leave a vacuum. Rather its by being positively conformed/fashioned by the age to come.

This week think – am I thinking like the world or like heaven.


Our bibles. Read the truth. Renew your mind by meditating on truth.

Being in and knowing  God’s presence

Fruit of the spirit – all are the fruit of the age to come.  Love , joy,  peace etc

To sum up: So Paul is saying think like heaven. And as we do so we become agents of heaven, bringing heaven to earth.

Change is good!

You can’t always change your circumstances but you  can allow yourself to be changed by  changing your thinking. Not power of positive thinking. The power of heavenly thinking.