I felt the Lord dropped this verse into my mind the other day.
Mark 6:4
– he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. 6 And he marvelled because of their unbelief.
- Jesus rejected by his own folk.
We might have expected that Jesus would get a hero’s welcome. You might have expected the town to turn out and welcome him. That maybe some of the glory might rub off on them.
Even though they were amazed at the miracles (verse 2) we are told that they took offence (verse 3) – lit they were scandalized. To them it was not reasonable. It did not make sense. It was not right that someone they knew, from their town would do miracles and teach with authority. So effectively they rejected him. It offended what they thought was right. Even though they had seen and heard about the miracles, they rejected him – it might have been there self-importance. It might have been envy. We don’t know.
I wonder How did Jesus feel about that? What had he expected? Was he longing for his home town folk to accept his message? My guess is he was not expecting rejection because we are told that he is amazed.
Yes – even Jesus was rejected by people who knew him. Even he was not “successful” all the time. We need to re-define what we understand as success. We need to remember that Jesus has called us to obedience not success. In fact obedience to the leading of the holy spirit is in itself the true measure of success. If I bring a word and no one responds I can easily feel that I have failed. Actually I have not. If I share the gospel with someone and they don’t respond I have not failed.
Rejection is not failure.
- The result – Jesus could do no miracles
This is a difficult concept – literally he did not have power to do works of power
Why? He is God? He can do what he likes!
But somehow God allows himself to be limited.
Somehow we can limit God. Somehow Jesus was limited. What limited him? Well it looks from the passage like it could be one or both of two things that are mentioned there.
We could think of our reasons why we “lack success” – lack of holiness, lack of unity, lack of compassion. But here we are told two things
- They did not honour him – in other words they rejected him
- There was unbelief ie lack of faith
I’d have expected that now Jesus would do such amazing things that they had to be convinced, but no. He is looking for faith from them.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1.
Jesus often was looking for a first step of faith. Many of Jesus’ healings were when people approached him asking for healing.
But here the prevailing atmosphere in Nazareth is one of non-belief.
I have often been puzzled – why does God do amazing things in other countries, but not so much here? I had a friend part of an outreach team that went overseas. Prayed for people and they were healed. Came back and prayed and there were no healings.
Maybe in this passage is a clue. Maybe one factor is that we live in a culture of unbelief. Cynicism and scepticism are strongholds in our culture. Maybe they are a barrier. Maybe Jesus can do no mighty work here other than a few healings just like in Nazareth.
Other cultures, even where belief in God is not prevalent have a spiritual openness compared to our Western European culture. Even American culture is more open. In almost all cultures except Western Europe there is a belief in God or Gods.
The same culture of unbelief at Nazareth is what we have to contend with
- We can change the culture.
We were brought up in that culture of unbelief and we were saved out of that, but our minds need retraining.
We can a change the spiritual atmosphere. “the prevailing spiritual climate, emotional tone and attitude associated with a specific people, place and time.”
You go into a room where two people have been arguing and you can feel the atmosphere
People come into this building and feel the atmosphere. They comment on the peace that there is here.
We can bring a kingdom of God culture / a kingdom of God atmosphere wherever we go
Where you go – do you bring positivity or negativity?
So what are we going to do about that
How do we change the culture?
Be full of grace, be generous in heart, honour others, see setbacks as an opportunity for faith,
Worship – it is one way that we honour Jesus. Worship changes the atmosphere.
Pray – 2 Tim 2 – for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth
Be faith filled family. Come with expectancy.
Do you know how influential you are?
You have influence.. You never know who or how much you can influence. The average person will influence 10,000 people during their lifetime. I went into Specsavers – my reaction. Old man outside Sue’s. Kathryn petrol station.
We need to change the atmosphere but we need help.
We mustn’t be changed by the culture.
Facebook – I’m going to dump all the people who are a drain on me and just spend time with the people who are good for me. Worldly wisdom.
Did Jesus do that? I don’t think so.
However, in his wisdom God has put us in a family, in a community to help each other. That includes people who will encourage us. Paul: his visitors refreshed his Spirit – 1 Cor 16:18
We need to refresh one another’s spirits
Otherwise we get worn out, disillusioned, cynical –just like the world
Spend time with people who refresh you! It’s mutual.
Conc: Lets believe that we can change the culture. Not just for the sake of making Workington a better place, but rather so that Jesus kingdom can come.
Lets pray and act so that our town becomes good soil for the gospel. Come and pray next Sunday