Entering The Promised Land – Part 2

nick   June 6, 2015   Comments Off on Entering The Promised Land – Part 2

Entering The Promised Land – Part 2

The people of Israel had come across the Jordan, set up the 12 stones – one for each tribe so that they can tell the next generation of what God did, the men had been circumcised, the Passover had been celebrated. Now they were good to go. Exciting times. This is what they’d been waiting for.

Problem – ahead of them a city called Jericho – and they had no experience of attacking a city – they’d had 40 years wandering in the wilderness

Josh 5:13


  1. Probably he was spying out Jericho, forming a strategy, coming up with a plan. We know the story but imagine it like Joshua.

Here’s this guy with a sword in his hand – frightening– “whose side are you on?” – “are you for us or our enemies”– a legitimate question. He is asking are you – individual soldier on our side? He has no idea who this guy is – friend or foe. Whose side are you on? er no. I’m not here to be your ally, I’m not here to supplement your efforts, I’m not here to help you out – I’m here to take charge. I’m here as your commander in chief and I have an army that you can’t see.


The whole resources of heaven are at his command


Commander of the army of the Lord – a spiritual battle!


I’m not on your side – I’m the Lord.


The battle belongs to the Lord.


The Lord is not on your side!

Gospel not just God will help you, but he is the Lord


As Christians we sometimes face circs where we are wondering should I do this or that/ He is the Lord


  1. Joshua’s response is that he worshipped. Worship is not just about Sunday.. We need to regularly encounter the Lord.

What do you want to say? Why did he ask that? What was he expecting? God’s strategy for the battle?
Answer – Take off your shoes this is holy ground.

Take off shoes as they are dirty and this is a clean place.

As a new covenant people we are always on holy ground. Holy ground means holy living. Why is it holy – because of his presence.


We are big on grace. But that doesn’t mean we ignore holiness..


Grace leads to holiness.


  1. What happens next? Following the lord’s commands they get a miraculous victory that they could never have achieved themselves. We must expect God to do amazing things beyond our resources. I’m always moaning that we lack resources.


The Lord has a great promised land for us to occupy and enjoy. Battles to win, cities to conquer, blessing to inherit.


  1. The battle belongs to the Lord – are you battling with things? It’s his battle.
  2. The priority of encountering the Lord in worship
  3. We stand on holy ground, we live holy lives by grace
  4. God can do remarkable things that are beyond our resources