Invading the Promised Land 3 – Faith & Endurance

nick   October 26, 2015   Comments Off on Invading the Promised Land 3 – Faith & Endurance

Intro – As part of Invading the promised land we are looking today at faith

Romans 10:17 – Faith comes by hearing. By tuning in to God. From him speaking to us. Through preach, prophecy, scripture or just as we’re walking along the street.

Hear what God is saying this morning and faith rise



Imagine what the promised land could be

Both  specifics that you feel God has promised, but also what would God’s blessing look like to you.

Not just setting up camp but pressing in for more.

One of the keys to invading the promised land is faith.

Heb 6:12 – Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance

Faith and endurance. Heb 6.12


Endurance = not giving up. Patience, perseverance. But not passive.

If at first you don’t succeed – give up – No!

If at first you don’t succeed – oh God probably wasn’t in it – No!

If you pray and nothing happens – it wasn’t God’s will – Maybe but maybe not!

I’m not always good at enduring, at keeping on going. It’s easy to be discouraged.

BUT it’s not just about endurance – it’s endurance infused with faith.


Faith is a key part of taking the promises

Who then does the writer to Hebrews turn to as an example? Abraham – a man renowned in the bible for faith

Verse 13 -15  – having patiently endured he obtained the promise

Mike mentioned him last week in connection with Romans 4



God has spoken to me twice in particular through Abraham

Move to New Addington.

Hebrews – Abraham believed that God could bring Isaac back to life.

Sacrifice Isaac = the key is not sacrifice it is faith.

In other words whatever the prospects look like outwardly, he kept believing

God is more interested in faith than sacrifice – we like to think God is impressed if we give things up for him


Go to a place…


It took faith for Joshua to take them in to the promised land

It took faith to take Jericho and then the other cities.

Saving faith has brought  us into Christ, into his family. Now we need faith to take hold of the blessings and then faith again to take hold of more blessings


It’s possible to live as a christian with very little active faith

It’s possible to function as a church with very little active faith

You can have your programmes and projects which need little faith to maintain. You can run Toddler group with no faith. There are plenty of people who run preschool groups with no faith. But if you’re expecting people to meet with God, praying for people to come to know Christ through your Toddler group, that needs faith.

We need God to do extraordinary things through our ordinary lives.


George Muller –

“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man’s power ends.”


When we turn up we should be wondering what God will do today

When we wake up in the morning – what is God going to do with my life today.

2 cor 5 7  – we live by faith not sight


There is a greater reality than what we can see or touch


Here’s the bit I don’t like –

FAITH IS TESTED – James 1.3  the testing of your faith produces endurance



Workington does not need more prayer, it needs more faith expressed through prayer

Bolder. more specific. more faith filled prayer

You don’t need much faith for vague prayers. Vague prayers = vague answers.

Dedication – what are you praying?

Ask for prayer = be specific.

Luke 18.41 blind man – “what do you want me to do for you”

We can come here, worship, hear from God but go away not having asked him for healing.

We’re too polite! Too unassuming.


We should command healing – Jesus did – I dont like doing it. Sounds presumptious. It takes more faith.

“Faith brings something out of nothing” – Mike

What are the areas of God’s blessing and provision that you need to move more into? You can move into them by faith.