David – A man just like us!

nick   August 5, 2015   Comments Off on David – A man just like us!

James 5:17 speaks of Elijah as a man just like us

….. all the people in the bible are people just like us.

We are very familiar with the story of David – but God wants to speak fresh things into our lives.

Then I saw something that I’d never seen before. This makes a difference.


David – was chosen was selected by God – and so are we; Ephesians 1 chosen before the foundation of the world.

Although his family thought he was of no consequence God chose him over and above his brothers. He wasn’t the natural choice as king. You may look at yourself and think – nothing special. But God chose you. Whose opinion is more important yours or God’s.

When the prophet Samuel was sent to the house of Jesse to anoint the future new king, David wasn’t considered to be a contender. Who is going to in the premier league? No one would even mention Bournemouth. He was still out in the hills looking after the sheep.

What is the opposite of being chosen? – rejected. David was a man who experienced rejection and so do we. They didn’t even think it was worth me being there. We can feel like that.

Before he shot to prominence he knew rejection. Later on – when king rejected by his own son Absalom. How did that feel? Rejected by your own family? David knew about that.

BUT never rejected by God. Even when he commits murder and adultery God does not reject him. NEVER think you are rejected by God. He may bring discipline but he will never reject you.

David – an ordinary man with extraordinary anointing.

We often look at people in the bible with rose tinted spectacles. It’s important that we see that David was an ordinary man who struggled with many of the same types of things as we do. We only need to look at the psalms


Psalm 3 – a psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his son
Straight in – “Oh lord how many are my foes…”

Psalm 10 – “Why O lord do you stand far off?”

Psalm 13 – how long o lord will you forget me forever

Psalm 22 – my god my god why have you forsaken me

Psalm 35 – the whole thing is “destroy my enemies”


Battles to fight just like us.

David v Goliath – 1 sam 17

Philistine armies invade, and the Israelite army is called up. Hard to imagine the impact. So imagine you were going about your normal business and word comes – the Philistines are here. As a young man you leave behind whatever it was you were going to do that day – fix the dripping tap, play with the kids, go to work, pay the bills. This could be your last day.

The battle lines are drawn Philistines on one hill, Israelites facing the other side of the valley..

Goliath, this giant of a man a champion of the Philistines strides out and issues a challenge of single-handed combat. Your man loses, you become our captives.

He does this twice a day for forty days. It’s hard to imagine. Every day as you get up you’re thinking this could be your last day. Nothing to do but polish your armour and wait.

And you’re thinking will anyone meet the challenge. Who is going to almost certainly die and be the person remembered in history as the man who lost to Goliath.

David – not even qualified to be in the army comes along

David is sent by his father to his brothers who are in the Israelite camp to bring them some food.. As he greets his brothers he hears Goliath’s challenge

David says – “who is this uncircumcised philistine”. Different attitude – We need it!

Things taunt us such as sickness.

Brothers angry tell him to go home. Eliab – “who is looking after the sheep?” – (ie you are not even doing the small job you’ve been given) This is the first challenge – would we give up? When we want to step out our fear of what people will think can stop us. Oh yes maybe I’m getting a bit big for my boots.

If you read biographies of missionaries, again and again the people they were closest to, the people with the most experience and wisdom said don’t go – but they went.

Jackie Pullinger – approached every missionary organisation and every one said too young, inexperienced, wrong qualifications

William Carey was told – “Sit down young man. When God pleases to convert the heathen, He will do it without consulting you or me.” He became known as the father of modern missions.

But word reaches King Saul and he calls for him.

They try to dress him in Saul’s armour but he doesn’t use it. Be the person God has chosen you and appointed you to be

We know the story – instead he selects 5 stones from the brook. I wonder, were his knees shaking just ever so slightly? Why 5 stones? maybe he thought he might miss with his first shot and needed back up. And as he put his hand in his bag was there a moments doubt? And as he put the stone in the sling was there a slight shaking? Every time we step out there is RISK. For David the risk was HUGE – lose and the whole nation goes into captivity.

The bigger the giant the bigger the target. David’s shot hits the target, Goliath falls and suddenly the Israelite army has courage and routs the Philistines


One man made the difference.


What was key? Back to Chapter 16 – this is what I hadn’t seen before.

13 So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David


Anointing. I had looked at that anointing being just symbolic. But anointing comes with power.

You are a person just like David – the same struggles.

You are a person just like David – the same anointing

You may say that David was special. That he had extra holy spirit power.

Did he have more than Jesus? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in us!

You are a priest and king. 1 Peter 2:9 – a chosen people, royal priesthood

You are anointed. It’s the spirit that makes a difference.


Before he got to Goliath. The battle with the attitude of others

His brothers were angry and told him he was stupid.



You are chosen

You will have battles to overcome – but you can overcome

You are anointed – you have the Spirit, you have power

Faith involves risk


This week. Every situation you come to you need to know you are anointed. Every battle you need to fight this week. What’s bigger – Goliath or the anointing that is on you?